Do your dogs struggle with:
Hot spots
Blackened skin
Hair loss
Redness or rashes associated with yeast
*If any of these symptoms are emergencies or life- threatening, please see your veterinarian.
What Is The Yeasty Beast Protocol?
The Yeasty Beast Protocol is an intelligent way to help get rid of dog yeast without dangerous yeast die-off. It’s a safe and effective program of gentle herbs and homeopathic remedies.
Did You Know?
This protocol is designed with a special enzyme that helps to break down yeast as it’s dying. This is why we recommend not feeding this protocol with meals, although you can mix the powder into a very small amount of food, bone broth, or raw milk, so the enzyme can digest the yeast, and not the food in your animal’s gut.
Pro Tip:If your customer’s dog’s body is detoxing the yeast quickly, this can occur. If this is the case,it’s best to give the animal a break from the protocol for 1-3 days, and reduce the powder by half a dose when you reintroduce it after 1-3 days.
Pro Tip:
Yeast tears and destroys the lining of the gut. After the Yeasty Beast Protocol is finished, a Leaky Gut Protocol is highly recommended to help repair the gut lining.
Pro Tip:
Some animals have years of yeast build up in their bodies. It’s not uncommon for our ani- mals to need more than one protocol before their body begins to rid itself of the yeast.
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